Take Action

Getting involved in your community is crucial, and there are numerous avenues to make a difference. Unlike larger state and federal bodies, local agencies overseeing community matters are highly accessible to the public. Constituents can connect with their representatives through various means. While sending emails to your commissioners in North Miami Beach is convenient, you can also opt to call them or arrange face-to-face meetings. Additionally, attending commission meetings each month provides a platform for public address. By signing up for public comment, you can utilize your allotted three minutes to voice concerns or share information. Members of WakeUp NMB consistently attend these meetings because the agenda items invariably impact the residents’ quality of life.

Another effective way to take action is to actively support candidates during elections. WakeUp NMB thoroughly researches candidates, conducts interviews, and endorses those who align with specific criteria. Supporting candidates involves spreading awareness, campaigning in neighborhoods, distributing literature, and volunteering at precincts during early voting and on election day. This collective effort ensures that the most capable, responsible, accountable, and honest individuals are elected to govern.

Engaging in such actions not only brings the North Miami Beach community together, but also fosters a sense of belonging. Being actively involved in shaping a better city for all residents creates a shared commitment and enhances the overall well-being of our community.


“Local Voices Make Local Choices”

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